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h alhtheia einai pws to agxos einai pantou to thema einai poso kala ksereis na antimetwpizeis tis kriseis

andria o theos to blepei poso to thelloume tha mas to steilei tha ftaseis ksi esu sthn phgh mhn stenaxwriese! :)

egw aurio paw sto gunaiologo gia test pap ante na doume ti tha mas pei!!

entometasu eimai k idiaitera fortomenh giati mia gnwsth exase to mwro ths eixe palindromh kuhsh,epiase me thn prwth alla apo oti fanhke ap tis kinhseis ths den to hthele xtes to fanerwse iolas...den hmoun etoimh gia gennes k mwra eipe...aaaaaaaxxxxxxxx thee mou eleos,exw na pw mono ena se tetoies kopeles:na kleinete ta podia sas!!!kai o antras ths allos malakas..e afou me thn prwth epiases tha ksanapiaseis otan thellhsoume leei...les k einai pizza na thn parageiloume na mas erthei delivery..ti na pw


Ase Merykal xerw ki egw polles periptwseis tou idiou styl,

pou kanane wktrwseis xwris na to skeftoun kai meta kanane kai oikogeneia!

Alla opws mou leei kai o andras mou¨´poios sou leei oti h zwh einai dikeh´´oxi fysika den einai,mallon einai thema tyxhs telika.

Pandws einai amartia na les,ayth h kopela dhladh,aaaax den hmoun gia gennes ktl.giati pragmatika yparxoun anthrwpoi pou prospathoun mia oloklhrh zwh na kanoun paidaki.

Pandws symfwnw mazisou.


akribws thn idia antidrash eixa kai egw koritsia!!eleos..an den thes,fulaksou..mhn ta anoigeis ta gam...ta podia,dhl.den hksere an hthele,emeine egkuos k afou ths etuxe palindromh kuhsh ksalafrwse!!oti na nai....h anwrimothta sto megaleio ths!!k autos o antras ths pali 30+ xrwnwn goumari na nai toso sigouros gia ton eauto tou!!

aaaaaaaaaa k den sas eipa k to kalutero..afou teleiwse olo to panughrh me thn egkumosunh ti eipe lete?to mono pou me stenaxwrei einai pou mou edwse xapia k kolpika ypotheta..pws tha ta parw?aaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx thee mou ti bourlo..polu neuriasa!!!


geia sas!koritsakia na sas pw kati..oxi nte kai kala gia tin kopela pou anaferate parapanw alla genika..mporei kapoia stigmi logw vlakeias,logw anoisias,logw...na meineis egguos!einai protimotero na kratiseis ena paidi kai na nai dustuxismeno giati den tha xeis na to ziseis,na to megalwseis swsta,na min exeis suntrofo k genika oxi swstes sunthikes gia na to fereis ston kosmo apo to na to rikseis?kserete oti ki egw thelw na kanw mwraki opws ki eseis alla auto den simainei oti oloi einai stin idia fasi!ki egw eimai 23 kai to 1o mou paidaki mou irthe sta ksafnika!foititria,oute pantremeni tipota!to pws mou irthe megali istoria..alla to kratisa k den to xw metanoiwsei lepto!an to erixna diladi ti tha simaine?oti tha prepe na me katapiei i gi?na papsw na zw?


kalhmera koritsia.

Joanaki tha hthela na sou pw thn skepsh mou.

Oxi den tha se katapiei h gh,alla nomizw pws poio poly mas tsatizoun aytes pou afou kanoun thn ektrwsh px.bgainoun kai to kafiountai oi lene ouffff mou efyge ena baros ktl.

Fysika yparxoun kai alles periptwseis pou einai 16 xrwnwn ,xwris syndrofo kai alla polla poy den exoun allh epilogh.

Alla ayth h sygekrimenh pou anefere h Merycal htan hlithia,sorry kiolas.


glukia mou den milame gia tetoia periptwsh..milame gia mia kopela h opoia to hthelle k auth kai o antras ths alla otan ths etuxe to metaniwse..den leme oti an kaneis ektrwsh prepei na se katapiei h gh alla gia to na elafruneis apo auto pou se barenei pou einai mia psuxh pou sto katw katw epelekses esu na to fereis ston kosmo....auth einai h diafora

kai ustera egw pisteuw pws o theos gia na sto steilei tha sou steilei k dunamh k kouragio na to megalwseis kiolas,sto katw katw ena paidi den thellei oute markes rouxa h otidhpote allo na megalwsei agaph k ta basika gia na megalwnei me aksioprepeia..opws k se esena edwse dunamh k to krathses k to zeis aksioprepestata etsi dinei se olous..an exw lathos diwrthwse me


kai vevaia se katalavainw k sumfwnw mazi sou!se mena omws etuxe na einai k me ton antra pou ithela na pantreutw..pou ithela na ginw mikri mana..ola auta paizoun rolo omws!oi markes kai tetoia einai vlakeies..oute megalwsw etsi,oute magalwna etsi to paidi mou!simasia exei auto pou eipes..na ksereis ti thes!ola ta alla erxontai me epimoni kai upomoni..


xerete koritsia twra thymhthhka tous goneis mou!

Otan hmoun 14 xronwn mou ekanan mia koubenda kai mou eipan pws oti kai an symbei ,anoontas egymosynh nwris,na mhn fobitheis na mas to peis kai emeis tha se sthrixsoume na krathseis to paidi giati einai dwro theou.

Kai na fandasteite o babas mou einai polyyy aysthros.

Alla den xreiasteike telika,den synebei.

Pandws einai wraio na xereis oti h oikogenia sou einai konda giati ola boroun na symboun sth zwh.

Akomh symfwnw sto mh krineis gia na mhn kritheis,na apla ayth mas ekneyrise h xazh.adeeeee


gia xazes periptwseis leme bre filenades opws htan auth..

egw xtes phga gia test pap ola kala mou eipe..kanw owrhksia epeidh exw mikro kuklo arketa nwris meta thn periodo afou exw mikro kuklo,eidame oti eixa kanei woriksia kuriakh pou eixa epafh,to wario pou eixe katebei xamhla alla den kserame an eixe sporaki mesa afou einai nwris,kai oti uparxei mia pithanothta na exw mia elafria kolpitida pou tha deiksei me to test kai an einai tha parw agwgh,an kai egw den exw enoxlhseis..ti na pw?pantws ola kala,kai pame dunamika xwris agxkos :)


filenades mou geia sas!!

na sas rwthsw kati??????

o giatros mou eipe oti eixa elafria kolpitida thn hmera pou phga gia to test pap alla den eixa katholou enoxlhseis,kai mou eipe pws tha perimename ta apotelesmata tou test gia na doume gia therapeia..shmera omws diapistwsa pws exw elafru tsouksimo-kapsimo kata thn epafh kai arxhsa na anarwtiemai pws mhpws an exei ginei sullhpsh h kolpitida thn apotrepsh h ta xapia pou parw meta (an exei ginei kati) blapsoun to embruo,gnwrizei kamia sas kati sxetiko?


kalhmera merykal!

basika nomizw oti prepei na rwthseis to giatro giati ayta ta xapia nomizw einai ligo dynata!fysika exartatai poso sobarh einai h kolpitida!giati eixa pathei kai egw sto parelthon kai eixa polla ygra kai poly tsouksimo.

einai arketa lepto to zhthma,kalytera na beewtheis prwta oti den eisai eguos kai meta na ta xekiniseis.egw pandws ayto tha ekana.

ma to poio shmandiko mila me ton gynaikologo!



argi mou sigoura tha rwthsw to giatro mou apo bdomada pou tha paw na parw ta apotelesmata,to thema omws einai k na exei ginei kati den tha mporw na to kserw akomh,opote tha anagkastw na kanw thn therapeia mazi me ton antra mou giati an perimenw h katastash tha epidunwthei. kai den me fobhzei toso an empodisw mia tuxon sullhpsh giati perase to stadio twn gonimwn k etoimazete na mou ksanarthei h trellh oso to an uparxei ena mwro pou den mporw na to antilhfthw k kanw therapeia k to blapsw..ouffffffff tha skasw


merikal μου επειδη κ εγω ειχα κολπιτιδα πριν λιγο καιρο ενημερωσα τον γιατρο μου κ μου εδωσε μια κολπικη αλοιφη κ χαπια τα οποια επιτρεπονται

σε περιπτωση εγκυμοσυνης γιατι και εγω επειδη εχω ελευθερες επαφες ποτε δεν ξερω τι γινετε και ηθελα να ειμαι σιγουρη

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