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Hi! I'm Aggeliki, 32 years old, I m' also Jason's mother...

Jason is the future Konstantina's husband... :D [Konstantina is savropiguino's daughter]

It's not really a problem to write in English but since you can read and understand Greek well, i think you should try to write too... :unsure:

Try it just for fun or exercise, or to see if we we are able to understand you... ;)

Welcome to mammyland! Don't hesitate to write whatever you want to the forum or to send personal messages. :)

Kisses... :kiss:


savropinguinos έγραψε:

αλλα ρε κοριτσια μπραβο μας!!!!πως το μιλαμε το αγγλικο!!!!!χαχαχαχαχα

Ειδες, συμπεθερουλα??? Τρεις φορες ξαναδιορθωσα 5 γραμμες...

Το κανω και στα Ελληνικα ομως! Χα χα χα... :laugh:


Hello Sophie and welcome aboard!

I am 39 y.o (I am one of the oldest members in here I suppose...lol)and I am 28 weeks pregnant with my first child -a baby boy and the due date is April 15.

Please feel free to write whenever you like, it is nice to exchange views and learn from our experiences, no matter whether it's going to be in greek or in english, as long as we can make ourselves understood, everything is fine!

Take care, Vivi

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