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kalispera koritsia na rotiso opoia xerei loipon ego ton dekebrio stamathsa ta xapia ths progesteronhs pou eperna gia na kano orixia mou irthe periodos tote ton ianouario pou den pira katholou xapia me ponouse to sththos 4-5 meres yphrxe periptosei na kano oorixia;;;;;;; telika tote mou hrthe peirodos stis 34 meres ton febrouario pou mas perase agorasa test oorixias ka ekana 15 meres xoris apotelesma k xoris na me ponesei katholou to sththos k periodos mou hrthe stis 46 hmeres shmera eimai sth 19 hmera tou kuklou mou me ponaei to aristero sththos uparxh periptosei oorixias;

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