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Anoi3a ena kainourgio 8ema giati exw kati apories kai an 3erei kammia mhpws mporesei na me voh8hsei. Se ligous mhnes skeftomai na vaftisw thn mikrh mou to onoma ths 8a einai Kassandra (kammia sxesh me giagiades) omws 8elw na thn vaftisw se 8alassa kai oxi sthn kolumph8ra gia na perasei ta 40 kumata pou lene kai na ths er8oun ola mia xara. 3erei kammia plhrofories gi'auto to 8ema? An oxi epeidh 8a to psa3w an 8elei kammia na kanei to idio 8a valw tis apanthseis edw mwlis tis ma8w. Euxaristw


Marina-Natali έγραψε:

Anoi3a ena kainourgio 8ema giati exw kati apories kai an 3erei kammia mhpws mporesei na me voh8hsei. Se ligous mhnes skeftomai na vaftisw thn mikrh mou to onoma ths 8a einai Kassandra (kammia sxesh me giagiades) omws 8elw na thn vaftisw se 8alassa kai oxi sthn kolumph8ra gia na perasei ta 40 kumata pou lene kai na ths er8oun ola mia xara. 3erei kammia plhrofories gi'auto to 8ema? An oxi epeidh 8a to psa3w an 8elei kammia na kanei to idio 8a valw tis apanthseis edw mwlis tis ma8w. Euxaristw
Με το καλο! Πολυ ωραια ιδεα. Δεν ξερω να σε βοηθησω αλλα ζηλεψα. Αν μαθεις πες μας! Θελω πολυ να μαθω!!! :)

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