Μετάβαση σε περιεχόμενο


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  • Έγινε μέλος

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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της Elena333f

  1. Mallon ennoouse siga siga na tous to meiwnw egw apth stigmh pou tha ta parw spiti k tha arxisoume na thilazoume.Egw toulaxiston etsi katalava.
  2. To fwtistiko margarita to eida alla ths orofhs oxi
  3. Nai ki omws thn perase sth strofh xaxaxxaxa.Apisteutos! K gw sas agapaw mwre,dethika poly mazi sas.Perasame olh thn egkymosynh mazi,mou kanate parea k stis xares alla k sta dyskola otan mpika Iasw gia tis syspaseis k meta sth genna.Pragmatika sou milaw stathikate merikes kalytera k apo syggeneis mou! De tha ksexasw pote ta kalosynata koritsia tou Mammyland k tou thematos Augoustiatikes Mellontomanoules of course xiixixi Sas euxaristw gia ola k pragmatika lypamai poly pou twra pia de mporw na mpainw poio syxna k na leme ta ths egkymosynh sas!Vlepete armegomai poly syxna kai tis kenes wres eimai eksw. Twra erxontai k ta mwrakia siga siga k paei h eleutherh wra mou:) Mesa sth trelh xara eimai pou plhsiazei auth h wra!!!
  4. Efh mou s'euxaristw gia tis euxoules. O mpempos anapneei kanonikotata!Ti dynata mwrakia vgalame,ta kamarwnw Twra einai k ta dyo tous 1850 Yupiiiiiii xixiixixixi Megalwnoume Ton mikroulh ton exoun vgalei apth kanonikh thermokoitida pou kseroume...ton exoun se ena kouuti plastiko sa krevataki pou anoigei apo panw.K ton exoun diplwsei sa ntolma.Faskiwma alla sto poio xalaro tou. Lene noiwthei oti einai sthn agkalia kapoiou k hremei,k ontws ton vlepw poly hsyxo kai de klaiei katholou,koimatai synexeia to manari mou. Logika k th mpoumpou opou na nai tha th valoun se tetoio krevataki
  5. O gynaikologos mou pantws mou eipe pws twra pou ta mwra einai thermokoitida de xreiazetai na exw poly,mhn ekselixtei k se kammia mastitida. Leei pws apth stigmh pou tha ta parw tha mou aukshsoun to gala ta mwrakia. Alla kserw gw...gynaikologos einai oxi paidiatros. Ase kalytera mh parw magia...fovamai
  6. Ta mwra 90% ta pairnoume auth th vdomada h to poly arxes ths allhs.Les na arxisw th magia?Liges meres menoun akoma. Se euxaristw agaph mou para poly.Makari na ta kataferw.Sygoura einai kataplhktiko alla k kourastiko dipla Fantazomai....tha deiksei
  7. O giatros sou mallon ennoei pws theloun prosoxh ta didyma.Diplh Apo kei k pera h kathe gynaika einai diaforetikh,to idio k h kathe egkymosynh
  8. WENDY mou nai kouti mas irthe! S'euxaristw poly! Loipon h egkymosynh mou htan poly eukolh gia didyma. Stis arxes eixa anagoules,kaoures k ekana emetous to prwi. Eixa k ena thema me ton ypno mexri na synithisw na koimamai sto plai gt prin koimomoun mono mproumyta. K sto telos pali enoiwtha poly varia e einai k fysiologiko me dyo mwrakia.Arxizan k oi zestes...Pantws prhksimata sta podia den eixa katholou. Auta koukla mou.Oti thes rwta me, megalh mou xara na ta leme
  9. Sas euxaristw gia tis apanthseis sas. Marianda mou nai to gala to vgazw sto spiti,to vazw se ourosylektes k meta sto psygeio.To phgainw sto maieuthrio me eidiko tsantaki pou krataei th thermokrasia. Euxomai na mh xreiastei na ta peraseis auta Kantinou de me afhnoun na ta thilasw ekei!Mono kati meroules prin ta paroume spiti mpouroume na to kanoume gia na me voithisoun k oi maies na thilasw.Fantasou oti plenomaste me bendadin meta me sapouni k meta me ena ygro antivakthridiako k de mas afhnoun k poly na ta akoumpame. Dld les na mh tous kopsw to kseno e?Stadiaka kala les,oute pou to eixa skeftei Auto gia th magia to ksero,gi auto pinw kammia mpyra thn hmera. Koritsia ta 250-300 gr thn hmera ta vlepete liga? Nanouka makari na ta kataferoume k emeis opws h kouniada sou.De pisteua oti tha me agxone toso poly to thema auto.Elega entaksei...tha kanw ta panta gia na ta thilasw k telos. Lovie diplhs antlhshs exw k gw.Einai ths idias etairias me to nosokomeiako pou xrhsimopoiousa sto maieuthrio kai kanei thn idia douleia.K ta xartia tou lene oti kanei tis thilastikes kinhseis tou mwrou k de stamataei to gala. Mexri twra kanw 6 me 7 antlhseis th mera pou diarkoun 20lepto h kathe mia.Einai kala?Shkwnomai k to vrady.Mia antlhsh th kanw opwsdhpote aptis 12 mexris ths 6. Pantws mera me th mera vlepw na vgalw olo k poio poly. Th proth evdomada evgaza se kathe antlhsh 25 gr k apo ta dyo k twra mporei na vgalw apo 60 mexri k 100. Alla sth mia antlhsh mporei na vgalw 60 k sthn epomenh 80 h k perissotero h ligotero.Kserete gt ginete auto?
  10. Mpravo sas manoules!Poly omorfa ta kanate ta dwmatiakia twn mikrwn sas Yvonnh thelw k gw na ta dw Mporw? K gw ftiaxnw to dwmatiaki twn mwrwn mou k apo thema diakosmhshs den exw kanei kati akoma.
  11. Geia sas kopelies.Se mia evdomada kleinw ena mhna pou gennhsa.Exw didyma k eixa parei sthn egkymosynh 13 kila.Exw epanelthei sta kila mou kata poly. Gennhsa sthn 32h evdomada.Pisteuw pws an epairna k o mhna mou tha epairna polla perissotera. Mhn anhsyxeite gia ta kilakia vre koritsia.Tha ta xasoume siga siga
  12. Xronia polla Yvonnh!!!Na ta ekothstiseis.Na se xairontai koukla mou. Makari na htan oles oi sarantares san esena kale Me toso megalo paidi. Einai kataplhktiko na eisai toso konta sthn hlikia tou paidiou sou.Pisteuw k h sxesh sas einai poly diaforetikh.Fantazomai pws tha se kamarwnei o gios sou pou exei toso mama
  13. Geia sou WENDY!Polla sygxarhthria!!!Me to kalo,sou euxomai ola na pane kala k na exeis mia teleia egkymosynh. Poly didymo paizei teleutaia.K gw exw didyma k mia filh mou molis emathe oti exei k auth
  14. Kalhmera se oles.Prin treis evdomades gennhsa ta didymakia mou prowra me to pou mpika ston 8o mhna logo syspasewn.Ta mwra einai akomh se thermokoitida. Exw provlimatistei k agxothei poly gia to thilasmo tous.Exw polla erwthmata,tha ithela poly an mporeite na me voitheisete. Tous phgainw kathe mera to gala mou pou vgazw me thilastro.Vgazw 250-300 gr thn hmera.Thewrhtei pws auth h posothta einai ligh?Gt mia kopela pou gennhse 2 meres prin apo mena vgazei me thilastro poly perissotero.Antlw ana 3wro h 6wro. Exw to Personal ths Meleda,sto maieuthrio xrhsimopoiousa ths idias etairias thilastro mono pou htan poio megalo.Mou eipan ekei oti kanoun thn idia douleia k mias k to eixa voleutei poly to agorasa skeftomenh pws isws to xreiastw k argotera pou tha paroume ta mwrakia spiti. Oi paidiatroi mou eipan pws de ftanei to diko mou k gia ta dyo k tous deinoun k symplhrwma kseno.Se kammia evdomada tha ta parw spiti alla prin ginei auto tha arxisoun na ta taizoun me mpimpero. Lete na dyskoleutoume na thilasoume efoson pinoun me mpoukali?Fovamai oti de tha ta kataferw.Mhpws de tha theloun to stithos mou meta? De kserw k ti allo na kanw gia na vgazw perissotero gala. O gynaikologos mou eipe na mhn anhsyxw k pws otan ta parw k arxisoume na thilazoume tha vgazw perissotero.Eseis ti nomizete? Yparxei kammia manoula pou eixe mwraki se thermokoitida k xreiazotan na antlei apthn arxh me thilastro? Tha me voithousan poly oi symvoules sas!
  15. Geia sas koukles!! Anna mou teleio to dwmatio exoume ta idia fwtistika toixou k idio kalathaki mono pou exw to exw se kokkino Paraligo na parw k thn idia kounia xaxxaxaxxa.Teleio to dwmatiaki sas.Ante me to kalw na mpei h mpempa na to xareite. Marianda wraio xrwma to karotsi sas.Poias etaireias einai?Peg-Perego? Na rwthsw kati,auta ta kathismatakia tetoiou typou sa to diko sou mexri poso xrwnwn kathetai to mwro ekei? Egw skeftomoun na parw to amesws epomeno megethos. Filakia se oles sas
  16. Elena333f


    Geia sas koritsia.Gennhsa prin 2 evdomades me to pou mpika ston 8o kai ta didymakia mou einai sth thermokoitida.Xtes evgalan to agoraki k to evalan se ena anoixto kouti plastiko.To eixan tyligmeno sa ntolmadaki opws eipe k mia kopela Rwthsa gt to kanoun auto k ondws mou eipan pws hremei to mwro etsi!Pws noiwthei oti to exoun agkalitsa
  17. Kalhspera koritsakia mou:) Oses paizetai Prwtogonous sto Facebook mpite sth fylh mou an thelete. http://apps.facebook.com/protogonoi/invite/532334632/ Euxaristw ek ton proterwn
  18. Anastasia tha anoiksw allo post k tha valw photo gt toses selides tha mperdeutoume Elena eides trixa?Akoma k sto metwpo,mpratsakia,plath... Pantou!!!!Ti gelio ekana otan thn eixan valei mproumhta k eida ti trixa xaxaxxaxaxa Twra to mpempo ton vgalane apo th klassikh thermokoitida.Ton ntysane,to skepasane kala k ton exoun se mia anoixth K h mikrh tha mpei se tetoia syntoma.
  19. Mesa sth trixa einai h mikrh e!To metwpaki ths gemato trixa...k pou na deite th plath!O thylikos Moglhs xiixixixi. Einai karmpon egw otan hmoun mwro! O mpemphs moiazei tou mpampA Eidate pou phrame k magoulakia?!
  20. Ksanaprospathw H mpempa mas
  21. Sas vazw photo apta mwraki twra pou phrame kilakia k vgalame orous-maskoules k ola auta! :woohoo: Oriste h mikroula mou :silly: K poio katw o mpempakos mas Maraki se kammia 10aria meres isws paroume to agoraki pou pairnei ta grammaria astraph!K aligo argotera th mpoumpou
  22. Einai ola prwtognora gia emas pou ginomaste prwth fora manoules mwre k einai ligo perierga ta pragmata. +fwnw me thn efi21 makari na eixa k gw kapoion na mou ta pei. Nai Marker twra eida to mhnyma sou k sou apanthsa
  23. Teleio to dwmatiaki ths mpoumpous!Me to kalo na th valetai mesa
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