Μετάβαση σε περιεχόμενο


  • Δημοσιεύσεις

  • Έγινε μέλος

  • Τελευταία επίσκεψη

Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της tzein

  1. tzein


    xeromaste poli pou ola phgan kala kai eisai toso xaroumenh diabasa ayta pou grafeis kai skeftomai poso poli thelw kai egw na thn dw na thn parw aggalitsa kai na pane fisika ola kala na einai ygeies. egw exw kleisei ton 7o kai exw kai egw koritsaki. eyxomai na einai kalotyxo sthn zwh tou kai an exeis tyxh exeis kai ygeia:D xarite tis omorfes aytes stigmes twra me thn mikrh sas kai mas ksanagrafeis emas. kalo brady
  2. fobero!! exw entypwsiastei para poli syxaritiria sthn ifigenia pou mas to edikse!!
  3. fobero!! exw entypwsiastei para poli syxaritiria sthn ifigenia pou mas to edikse!!
  4. Όνομα: tzenh//Ημερομ. Τοκετού: 31 dekembrioy 2008 // Τόπος:Ιδ.Κλινική - kalamata:) KALH LEYTHERGIA STIS KOPELES POU EINAI EGKYES NA SAS ZHSOUN OLES ESAS TA MWRAKIA SAS POU EXETE GENNHSEI
  5. Όνομα: tzenh//Ημερομ. Τοκετού: 31 dekembrioy 2008 // Τόπος:Ιδ.Κλινική - kalamata:) KALH LEYTHERGIA STIS KOPELES POU EINAI EGKYES NA SAS ZHSOUN OLES ESAS TA MWRAKIA SAS POU EXETE GENNHSEI
  6. Όνομα: tzenh//Ημερομ. Τοκετού: 31 dekembrioy 2008 // Τόπος:Ιδ.Κλινική - kalamata:) KALH LEYTHERGIA STIS KOPELES POU EINAI EGKYES NA SAS ZHSOUN OLES ESAS TA MWRAKIA SAS POU EXETE GENNHSEI
  7. Σε παρακαλώ πολυ οταν απευθύνεσαι σε μένα θα μιλάς πιο κόσμια . Εσυ οχι μονο δεν ξέρεις για τον θηλασμό αλλα ουτε και πρόκειται να μάθεις ποτέ . (ntroph sou poli apla) den ntrepese katholou na milas etsi! milas esi gia agenia re eisai kala? poia nomizeis oti eisai? akou na deis egw otan eida thn apanthsh sou sthn skorpina neyriasa kai h apanthsh mou ws pros esena htan kai poli kosmia gia ena atomo agenestato opws esena.. kai oxi apla den thn bohthhses alla thn eksagriwses opws kai polles alles edw. kai oso gia to an tha mathw egw na thilazw pote, tha to mathw poli syntoma giati eimai 7 mhnwn egkyos. koita na psaxteis esi me to diko sou problhma kai bohthise ton eayto sou, ayta kai den sou ksanaapantaw deksou kai thn kakia krithkh oxi oti se kanei na noiwtheis wraia mono:) hte saresei hte oxi δεν έχω σκοπό να μαλώνω διαδικτυακά .
  8. Σε παρακαλώ πολυ οταν απευθύνεσαι σε μένα θα μιλάς πιο κόσμια . Εσυ οχι μονο δεν ξέρεις για τον θηλασμό αλλα ουτε και πρόκειται να μάθεις ποτέ . (ntroph sou poli apla) den ntrepese katholou na milas etsi! milas esi gia agenia re eisai kala? poia nomizeis oti eisai? akou na deis egw otan eida thn apanthsh sou sthn skorpina neyriasa kai h apanthsh mou ws pros esena htan kai poli kosmia gia ena atomo agenestato opws esena.. kai oxi apla den thn bohthhses alla thn eksagriwses opws kai polles alles edw. kai oso gia to an tha mathw egw na thilazw pote, tha to mathw poli syntoma giati eimai 7 mhnwn egkyos. koita na psaxteis esi me to diko sou problhma kai bohthise ton eayto sou, ayta kai den sou ksanaapantaw deksou kai thn kakia krithkh oxi oti se kanei na noiwtheis wraia mono:) hte saresei hte oxi δεν έχω σκοπό να μαλώνω διαδικτυακά .
  9. Σε παρακαλώ πολυ οταν απευθύνεσαι σε μένα θα μιλάς πιο κόσμια . Εσυ οχι μονο δεν ξέρεις για τον θηλασμό αλλα ουτε και πρόκειται να μάθεις ποτέ . (ntroph sou poli apla) den ntrepese katholou na milas etsi! milas esi gia agenia re eisai kala? poia nomizeis oti eisai? akou na deis egw otan eida thn apanthsh sou sthn skorpina neyriasa kai h apanthsh mou ws pros esena htan kai poli kosmia gia ena atomo agenestato opws esena.. kai oxi apla den thn bohthhses alla thn eksagriwses opws kai polles alles edw. kai oso gia to an tha mathw egw na thilazw pote, tha to mathw poli syntoma giati eimai 7 mhnwn egkyos. koita na psaxteis esi me to diko sou problhma kai bohthise ton eayto sou, ayta kai den sou ksanaapantaw deksou kai thn kakia krithkh oxi oti se kanei na noiwtheis wraia mono:) hte saresei hte oxi δεν έχω σκοπό να μαλώνω διαδικτυακά .
  10. kalispera se oles sas. lala den prepei na exeis idea gia to mhtriko gala, oxi pws exw egw alla oxi na lew gia emena teteies aidies (gnwmh mou) den einai mono sto xeri mas an tha exoume mhtriko gala h oxi, mporei na sou petrosei poli eykola ana pasa stigmh kai oxi apo lathos diko mas kai apo twn giatrwn opws egine se mia filh mou opou molis gennhse, perimene na ths katebei to gala thn epomenh hmera afou gennhse afou etsi ths eipan sthn klinikh, kai to gala eixe katebei kai eixe petrwsei kiolas me apotelesma na mhn thilasei oute mia hmera.ayto ti einai epilogh ths? den hthele na thilasei h idia? opote mhn les gia timiothta na pei kapoia kopela oti den thelei na thilasei, giati pote den ksereis ti ths exei symbei.. ayta apo emena oso gia to thema dystixos den kserw na apanthsw kalo brady..
  11. kalispera se oles sas. lala den prepei na exeis idea gia to mhtriko gala, oxi pws exw egw alla oxi na lew gia emena teteies aidies (gnwmh mou) den einai mono sto xeri mas an tha exoume mhtriko gala h oxi, mporei na sou petrosei poli eykola ana pasa stigmh kai oxi apo lathos diko mas kai apo twn giatrwn opws egine se mia filh mou opou molis gennhse, perimene na ths katebei to gala thn epomenh hmera afou gennhse afou etsi ths eipan sthn klinikh, kai to gala eixe katebei kai eixe petrwsei kiolas me apotelesma na mhn thilasei oute mia hmera.ayto ti einai epilogh ths? den hthele na thilasei h idia? opote mhn les gia timiothta na pei kapoia kopela oti den thelei na thilasei, giati pote den ksereis ti ths exei symbei.. ayta apo emena oso gia to thema dystixos den kserw na apanthsw kalo brady..
  12. kalispera se oles sas. lala den prepei na exeis idea gia to mhtriko gala, oxi pws exw egw alla oxi na lew gia emena teteies aidies (gnwmh mou) den einai mono sto xeri mas an tha exoume mhtriko gala h oxi, mporei na sou petrosei poli eykola ana pasa stigmh kai oxi apo lathos diko mas kai apo twn giatrwn opws egine se mia filh mou opou molis gennhse, perimene na ths katebei to gala thn epomenh hmera afou gennhse afou etsi ths eipan sthn klinikh, kai to gala eixe katebei kai eixe petrwsei kiolas me apotelesma na mhn thilasei oute mia hmera.ayto ti einai epilogh ths? den hthele na thilasei h idia? opote mhn les gia timiothta na pei kapoia kopela oti den thelei na thilasei, giati pote den ksereis ti ths exei symbei.. ayta apo emena oso gia to thema dystixos den kserw na apanthsw kalo brady..
  13. tzein

    Καισαρική τομή

    na ta xereste koritsia, einai kouklakia ola. egw eimai 4mish mhnwn. to prwto paidaki pou tha kanw,1h semptembrh exw rantebou gia b epipedou, exw anxothei ligo sthn idea kai thn skepsh ti me perimenei to pio basiko na genhthei me ygeia, mexrh stigmhs ola kala.. eyxomai se oles kalo kouragio
  14. tzein

    Καισαρική τομή

    na ta xereste koritsia, einai kouklakia ola. egw eimai 4mish mhnwn. to prwto paidaki pou tha kanw,1h semptembrh exw rantebou gia b epipedou, exw anxothei ligo sthn idea kai thn skepsh ti me perimenei to pio basiko na genhthei me ygeia, mexrh stigmhs ola kala.. eyxomai se oles kalo kouragio
  15. tzein

    Καισαρική τομή

    na ta xereste koritsia, einai kouklakia ola. egw eimai 4mish mhnwn. to prwto paidaki pou tha kanw,1h semptembrh exw rantebou gia b epipedou, exw anxothei ligo sthn idea kai thn skepsh ti me perimenei to pio basiko na genhthei me ygeia, mexrh stigmhs ola kala.. eyxomai se oles kalo kouragio
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