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titinela's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Βαθμός Δημοφιλίας

  1. titinela

    paei k autos o mhnas....

    pou tha paei..tha erthei...se euxaristw polu..eimai mikrh k niwthw polu omorfa otan eimai edw mesa..sas niwthw oles polu konta mou k san na sas xerw xronia..ennoeitai kalh epituxia se oles mas..oles grhgora egkuoules...!!!
  2. sugxarhthria koritsi,mpravoo.teleia auth h eikona k elpizw na thn doume k oses to epithumoume...me to kalooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. mpravo koritsaki,an k den me xereis..sugxarhthriaaaa,na eisai kala k na exeis mia teleia egkumosinh....na einai gero to mwraki sou..k pali mpravoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. titinela

    paei k autos o mhnas....

    koritsia skeftomai pws otan to thes den tha erthei k otan den mporeis na to megalwseis sou skaei san vomva...etsi thn exw pathei..twra tha eixa 3 xronwn paidaki..alla poios tha mou elege tote oti tha eimastan mazi k pantremenoi opws twra..mono 1 mhna eimastan mazi..ekatsa k skefthka k eipa na xalarwsw ligo k na mhn trelenomai...tha erthei etsi den einai?ti sto kalo,mia xara eimaste k oi duo k neoi..20 egw 29 o antras mou!!
  5. titinela

    paei k autos o mhnas....

    koritsia paei k autos o mhnas...adiathethsa...klaps..giati?ante pali ta idia...
  6. titinela

    geia sas...

    nai k eixa ligh kathisterish se auton ton kuklo alla telika shmera to prwi adiathetisa..krima..!!to thelw toso polu...na sou zhsei to paidaki sou...k oti kalutero..gero k dunato..
  7. titinela

    geia sas...

    se euxaristw polu!!!!
  8. egw eimai nea edw,shmera egina melos..epsaxna gia thn kathisterish k gia thn silipsh k eida to mammy.k egina melos...psaxnw k egw apanthseis gia mena k einai endiaferon pou exw anthrwpous na me niwthoun..
  9. sorry pou epemvenw alla eida thn kouventa apo thn arxh,koritsaki einai ligo oti k an sou pw apla skepsou oti ekanes to kalytero k gia thn mpempa k gia ton gioka sou k gia esas..k pali sygnwmh pou mphka sto thema sou.
  10. titinela

    geia sas...

    koritsia sorry alla den to xerw kala k me petaei eksw..
  11. koritsaki makari na eisai ekguaki...an k mikrh k egw xerw oti mporeis na exeis periodo tous prwtous mhnes..
  12. titinela

    tha trelathw

    na zhsete...makari na eimai..an k den xerw kati mou leei pws mporei na eimai..
  13. titinela

    tha trelathw

    nai apo ta 16..mikrh mikrh..xaxa..einai teleios omws k aksizei..nai den me phran k ta xronia alla to theloume polu..
  14. na sas zhsei to agoraki sas...oti kalutero..na exei zwh strwmenh se rodopetala...na einai gero k dunato..!!!!
  15. titinela

    tha trelathw

    eipa na kanw xoriakh alla den hksera an tha deiksei kati apo twra..lew na paw thn pempth to prwi..na perasoun liges meres akoma..nai eimai mikrh alla to thelw polu k tha einai teleio dwro gia ton antroulh mou pou stis 15 kleinoume 4 xronia mazi..kserw pws oles exoume ton idio skopo k auto einai pou mou aresei polu sthn parea sas..
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