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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της rad_mid

  1. rad_mid


    Ne se katalaveno apolita se afto pou les... Ine poli simadiko yia kathe gineka, prin ton toketo na ehi ebistosini sto soma tis oti tha ta kataferi...Meta apo mia traumatiki ebiria, opos i kesariki, afti i pisti hanete ke prepi to ithiko tis epitokou na anapterothi. Den prepi diladi na esthanese oti 'prokalis' tin tihi sou, alla oti tha ta kataferis. Otan mia gineka, logo parenvaseon ( opos o proklitos) ftasi se enan atihes gegonos opos i kesariki, prepi na doulepsi yia na apoktisi ebistosini ston eafto tis ke to soma tis oti bori kalista na ta kataferi, arki i idia na doulepsi - diladi na min afethi pali sta heria kapiou allou yia na tin 'gennisi' alla na to kani i idia fisiologika. Pera apo tin psihologia pou pezi terastio rolo stinn epitihia, prepi na vris mia mea ke enan yiatro me ebiria sto thema pou tha se stirixoun. Den lei kanis oti ean otos i tomi den ehi gini kala, na kanis fisiologiko,,alla ean ehi yiatrefti tote den iparhi logos pereterou hirourgiou. Ena giatros enimeros stis teleftees tehnikes, tha boresi na to di. Den tha pas diladi tifla. Den xero ean diavazis aneta agglika, alla eho ta reference stis teleftees tehnikes pou hrisimopiithikan stin Iaponia yia tin provlepsi sto ean i mitra itan adinami. I tehnikes tous ihan provlepsi 100%, etsi oste i ginekes me astheni mitra epanelavan mia kesariki ke oi ipolipes gennisan fisiologika. I riixi mitras ita 0%. Yia na kataferis ena VBAC, prepi na ise psihika ke somatika kala proetimasmeni, etis oste esi na 'odigisis'ti genna sou. Iparhoun ginekes pou gennisan se 30 lepta meta apo kesariki! Den tha itan krima na ekanan mia defteri kesariki horis logo? O ebiros yiatros sto thema tha boresi na se voithisi poli. Opos gnorizis o toketos ehi 3 stadia...Ean di oti to deftero stadio sou ine pano apo 1 ora ke afto se anisihi ke iparhoun provlimata, tote tha epanalavi mia kesariki i that se voithisi me ti hrisi vedouzas. Ohi omos na epanalavis ena 'proliptiko' hirourgio. Poso keros ehi perasi apo tin kesariki ebiria sou? Pos esthanese? Pos ine i tomi sou?
  2. rad_mid

    Καισαρική τομή

    Simadiki epilogi: I episkliridios ine safos kaliteri epilogi, para i geniki ( ektos ean milame yia emergency). Stin episkliridio bori o yiatros san na prosthesi pain relief pou diarki 24 ores ke episis borite na dite ti genisi tou pediou sas. Stin geniki-ke idika se toketo- i dosis ine hamiles ke poles fores i ginekes akoune! tis sizitisis ton giatro ( eidika otan sas ravoun) eno parallila den borite akoma na kinithite....Afto 'fovizi'me ashimo tropo tin psihologia sas ke ine oti pio akatalilo. Eho polles fores akousi sholia tou stil : Ítan san na me ihan thapsi zodani', yiati eno akougan den borousan na kinisoun ta heria ke na epikinonisoun. Episis meta apo geniki , o ponos sto simio tis tomis ine oxitatos.
  3. rad_mid

    Καισαρική τομή

    Simadiki epilogi: I episkliridios ine safos kaliteri epilogi, para i geniki ( ektos ean milame yia emergency). Stin episkliridio bori o yiatros san na prosthesi pain relief pou diarki 24 ores ke episis borite na dite ti genisi tou pediou sas. Stin geniki-ke idika se toketo- i dosis ine hamiles ke poles fores i ginekes akoune! tis sizitisis ton giatro ( eidika otan sas ravoun) eno parallila den borite akoma na kinithite....Afto 'fovizi'me ashimo tropo tin psihologia sas ke ine oti pio akatalilo. Eho polles fores akousi sholia tou stil : Ítan san na me ihan thapsi zodani', yiati eno akougan den borousan na kinisoun ta heria ke na epikinonisoun. Episis meta apo geniki , o ponos sto simio tis tomis ine oxitatos.
  4. rad_mid

    Καισαρική τομή

    Simadiki epilogi: I episkliridios ine safos kaliteri epilogi, para i geniki ( ektos ean milame yia emergency). Stin episkliridio bori o yiatros san na prosthesi pain relief pou diarki 24 ores ke episis borite na dite ti genisi tou pediou sas. Stin geniki-ke idika se toketo- i dosis ine hamiles ke poles fores i ginekes akoune! tis sizitisis ton giatro ( eidika otan sas ravoun) eno parallila den borite akoma na kinithite....Afto 'fovizi'me ashimo tropo tin psihologia sas ke ine oti pio akatalilo. Eho polles fores akousi sholia tou stil : Ítan san na me ihan thapsi zodani', yiati eno akougan den borousan na kinisoun ta heria ke na epikinonisoun. Episis meta apo geniki , o ponos sto simio tis tomis ine oxitatos.
  5. Sikoma apo to krevati: Ean ehete kani geniki anesthisia, to soma sas tha esthenete pio moudiasmeno se shesi me tin episkliridio pou tha epireasi kirios apo ti mesi ke kato. Etsi ean prospathisete na sikothite ( meta apo geniki) kalo tha itan prota na kanete mikres gynastikes kinisis stretch sto krevati ke elafri masaz. Tha voithisis poli. Min kanete apotomes kinisis ke min epitrepsete na sas sikosoun apotoma, se stil: Ise etimi, skiko tora! Kodini fili mou ethe spasmo sto mi, ke meta afto tin kathisterisi akomi perisotero. Prepi na epiminete oti thelete mono voithia ke ohi diatages. Prospathisete na sikothite mesa sto proto 24óro na ke na kanete ta prota sas vimata ke ena zesto douche na kikloforisi kala to aima. Simadiki epilogi: I episkliridios ine safos kaliteri epilogi, para i geniki ( ektos ean milame yia emergency). Stin episkliridio bori o yiatros san na prosthesi pain relief pou diarki 24 ores ke episis borite na dite ti genisi tou pediou sas. Stin geniki-ke idika se toketo- i dosis ine hamiles ke poles fores i ginekes akoune! tis sizitisis ton giatro ( eidika otan sas ravoun) eno parallila den borite akoma na kinithite....Afto 'fovizi'me ashimo tropo tin psihologia sas ke ine oti pio akatalilo. Eho polles fores akousi sholia tou stil : Ítan san na me ihan thapsi zodani', yiati eno akougan den borousan na kinisoun ta heria ke na epikinonisoun. Episis meta apo geniki , o ponos sto simio tis tomis ine oxitatos.
  6. rad_mid

    ειμαι τοσο λαθος;

    Ego prosopika velpo tin praxi tis sosti-bori na tis aresoun ta pedia, ohi necessarily na ton égglovisi'...afti tin frasi tin vlepo gelia....kenena pedaki itan aftos....?? eas prosehe. To mono lathos ine i aparheomeni idea tou gamou pou ehi i kopela ke prepi grigora na xeperasi me tin voithia filon ke ikogenias. Ehi oli ti zoi brosta tis! Gnorize os enilikas aftos oti to hapi ehi 1% failure? Akoma ke ean i kopela den elege tin alithia, ti tha ekane? Se afti tin periptosi tha tolmouse na zitisi tin ektrosi, me ola ta psihika ke somatika riska? Tote afto ine poli anithiko yia emena. Ke se periptose apotolmage na kani teties nixis, i kopela eprepe na kopsi kathe epafi mazi tou ke malista na idopiisi tou gonis tou ean sinehisi na tin parenohli, oh yia gamo, alla yia na ton sineferoun! To thema tis ektrosis- ean ke den milisame yia afto amesa- ine emesa iparkto se teties periptosis ke yia afto to theorisa kalo na to anafero, yiati ine epemvasi me polles psihikes ke somatikes epiplokes- ididika ean ginete horis iatrikous logous ke episis kato apo ekviastikes sinthikes-ine via kata tis ginekas.
  7. rad_mid


    skepsou episis oti i fisi den sou pige kodra! Pies itan i sinthikes toketou sou? Itan proklitos?- se aftes tis periptosis pano apo to 30% kataligi stin kesariki, yiati o anthropos ehi pai kodra sti fisi.... Ihes episkliridio? afto pali dimiourgi atonies stin mitra, pou meta prospatoume na iprvoume me okitokini keai outos kathexis...ara pali milame yia kodra sti fisi. Itan o toketos sou edelos fisiologikos? Milame horis kamia paremvasi? Tote prepi na exetasis pos kinousoun tin ora tou toketou, yia na voithisis to soma sou. Isos allaxe thesi to moro? To VBAC den pai kodra sti fisi- isa isa pigeni se armonia me tin fisi. I keasriki apo tin alli onomazete- i metera ton paremvaseon!
  8. rad_mid


    Ifigenia, ean i kesariki sou ine sto lower uterine segment- diladi hamila orizodia ke o iperihos dixi oti ehi o organismos sou yiatrefti me eparkia- diladi i tomi ehi pahos 4mm and eno ( to fisiologiko ine 4-4.5mm se mones ke didimes kiisis sevdomada 38-39), tote den diatrehis kanena kindino. Afto edixan ektetamenes erfnes. Episis stin diarkia tou toketou, to lower uterine segment den ginete pio adinato. Parameni se stathero pahos. To pososto 4/1000 ine yia tomes pou to paxos ine kato ton 4mm. Ara ise asfalis ke afto tha to gnorizis apo sostous kolpikous iperihous apo enan yiatro idiko sto VBAC. Giati na epanalavis se mia tetia periptosi mia kesariki? Xeris oti 996 ipolipes tomes den hriazode ginode 'proliptika', horis logo? Gnorizis oti i epiplokes molinsis ke emoragias meta apo kesariki ine poli megaliteres? Kathe kesariki se vazi se megalitero risko ke apodinamoni tin igia sou. Skepsou to gegonos oti prin tin defteri kesariki, se tomes pou den therapefthikan kala, ipirhi rixi prin tin epomeni programatismeni kesariki, se pososto 2/1000. Ypirhoun ginekes pou stin evdomada 34 pigenoun ston yiatro me emoragies. Ara kan i egimosini meta apo kesariki ine epikindini logo tis periptosis i tomi na anixi. Afto den bori na to gnorizis ek ton proteron, ara opia odo ke na paris- epomeni kesariki i fisiologiko- ehis risko ke afto tha fani meta tin evdomata 26 otan to lower uterine segment ( to simio pou ehis tomi, that arhisi na tedoni). Paorla afta i ginekes pali menoun egies....Diladi to 2/1000 ine apodektos kindinos yia sena? Afto se mia triti kesariki ine 10/1000. Pos afti i afxisi ine apodehti apo ginekes pou sinehizoun ne menoun egies? Episis prepi na skeftis to exis. Mia egimosini meta apo keaariki ine pali pio epikindini. Ti tha ekanes ean o plakoudas, fitevotan sto simio tomis? Tote iparhi pali risko emoragias, kindinos yia to moro ke isterektomis. Tha ithela poli na akouso tis skepsis sou.
  9. rad_mid

    ειμαι τοσο λαθος;

    Elpizo na idate to proigoumeno post mou, itan in english. Diavazodas paretero, that ithela na rotiso to exis? Giati theorite tin apofasi tis 'anithiki'? I kinonia mas epitrepi tis shesis ektos gamou ke tin simviosi. Den ine oute paranomes oute anithikes! Alla apodehtes. Ara yiati ke i apofasi mias ginekas na mini egios ektos gamou ine anithiki? Ean mia gineka itan 'padremeni', ke o adras pethani prin ti genna, tote prepi na kani ektrosi, epidi tha ine aftos apon? Ean tis zitisi diazigio prin ti genna, prepi pali na kani ekrtosi? Tin stigmi pou kanena meso den ine 100% sigouro, tote pos kapios ehi tin apetisi na min gini pote pateras!? i metera? Yiati i adres esthanode 'pagidevmeni' ke ohi perifani pou boroun na kanoun pedia? I gineka den pagidevete? Ego to mono pou vlepo ligo astio ine to obsession ( na theli poli) to gamo, os kinoniki kataxiosi ke prosopiki epiveveosi allis epohis. I Ellada ine i Number 1 hora stin evropi, stis ektrosis. Afto pos to vlepete?
  10. rad_mid


    Tha prepi na diafoniso, oti mia gineka bori na kani 4 kesarikes horis parenergies! I kesariki ine major abdominal surgery ( megalo hirourgio kilias), pou dimiourgi simfisis ( prokalodas hronious ponous), oules sti mitra kathistodas tin pio adinami me kathe kesariki. Episis ean o plakoudas kolisi pano stin kesariki tomi, tote afto that ine epikindino yia ti mitera ke to emvrio. Pote kamia gineka den tha gnorizi poses kesarikes bori na adexi i mitra tis. O yiatros tha to di afto sti diarkia tis epemvasis. Mia fili mou adexe mono dio- den edenan ( ginodan kala) i tomes tis efkola. Stin defteri kesariki ta malia tou morou proexihan apo tin tomi ( scar dehiscence). Den borese na kani alla pedia, yiati afto tha itan epikindino. Apo tin alli i mitera tou adra mou genise 6 pedia fisiologika meta apo kesariki. Ean mia gineka mini egios meta apo kesariki ehi pithanotita rixis mitras 2/1000 akoma ke prin tin programatismeni defteri kesariki. Ean dialexi VBAC ehi 4/1000. O yiatros bori tin evdomada 38-39 na elenxi me kolpiko iperiho tin tomi--ean ine pano apo 4mm, simfona me tis statistikes to i rixi ine 0% . I megaliteres erefnes eginan apo ton Rosenberg sto parisi ke i idies metrisis ishioun ke yia didimes kiisis. I tomi den lepteni peretero tin ora tou toketou, alla prepi na ehi ena elahisto pahos yia na adapexelthi stis dinamis tou emvriou kata tin ora tou toketou. Afta edixan i erefnes tou Buhimschi sto Yale-USA. Lipon: yia mena to ithiko didagma ine na tirisi mia gineka 2 hronia metaxi toketon ke na doulepsi me enan yiatro ke mea, me ebiria sto VBAC. Ean boresi na ta kataferi, tote afto tha ine oti kalitero yia tin igia tis ke tin igia tou pediou tis. Episis prepi na apofigi ton proklito toketo, yiati dimiourgi afisikes sispasis-afxanodas tin pithanotita rixis se proigoumenes kesarikes alla ke se politokes ( pano apo 5 pedia). Episis mia gineka prepi na thimate oti simfona me ton diethni organismo igias enas toketos theorite fisiologikos metazi evdomadas 37-42. I imerominia pou sinithos mas dini o yiatos- evdomada 40, ine o mesos oros ke adistihi se ginekes me kiklo 28 imeron. I evdomada lipon 41, den tha prepi na mas dimiourgi kanena anhos, ean ola me to moro ine fisiologika. I ginekes ehoun dikeoma na 'xefevgoun'apo tin evdomada 40. I analgisia se periptosi VBAC, tha itan kalitero na ine zesto nero- waterbirth, ke to monitoring ean prepi na ginete-na ine wireless esti oste i gineka na bori na kinite, oste na boithisi to soma tis na genisi. http://blog.syracuse.com/family/2008/06 ... first.html
  11. rad_mid


    Is it ok to use greek-lish ( Greek with latin characters?)
  12. rad_mid


    I speak Greek, but my current keyboard does not support itB)
  13. rad_mid

    Πρόκληση τοκετού

    ** Σε αυτό το θέμα γίνεται σχολιασμός του άρθρου: Πρόκληση τοκετού ** Induction should only take place for health not social convenience. Thus I doubt what this article says that it is good to know when your child will be born. Social inductions lead to many of the c sections we see, putting the lives of mothers and babies at rsik.
  14. ** Σε αυτό το θέμα γίνεται σχολιασμός του άρθρου: Περίθαλψη αμέσως μετά τον τοκετό ** Healing from a c section can take up to 4 months! Your uterine and abdominal muscles need time to heal! Also your need to take care to rid your adominal incision of all the scar tissue, using deep tissue massage and silicon gel or sheets. They work wonders and help get rid of the unsightly overhang c sections leave. What you can do to take care of yourself! Do not have a major abdominal surgery again! but try for a well controled VBAC.
  15. rad_mid

    Καισαρική τομή

    Dear BabyBoom, there are very very few incidents of babies dying during a natural birth and no-one said to put one at risk. But with the way inductions take place in private hospitals in Athens, leading to an 80% c section rate, I dont see why you dont think how these women are putting their health at risk and also the risk of their future pregnancies and babies! You do not mention at all!! the complications during c sections!
  16. rad_mid

    Καισαρική τομή

    My husband's mother had 6 children naturaly after a c section for a breech baby! I would say that having a c section is major abdominal surgery putting your future reproductive health at risk. Many women develop surgical adhesions, scarring and if your placenta implants at the site of the scar, then you are in for great trouble! Each subsequent c section adds to the risk. As I mentioned in another thread if your lower uterine segment is 4-4.5 mm at week 38-39, when it reaches it's lowest then there is a 0% chance of rupture. Research has shown that during labour, the lower uterine segment does not reduce any further! even with twins. You can check the work of Buhimschi in Yale university, it is really very enlightening! If your OB seems uncooperative, then it is best you move to another practice and check! before hand what his experience is in VBAC. Dont take their word for granted and protect yourselves!
  17. rad_mid

    ειμαι τοσο λαθος;

    I think it is great she kept her baby and she should not be upset at all! The point is that no contraceptive method that is 100% effective,so when someone has sex, they must be ready for everything! Why he feels trapped!!! Would he have pushed for an abortion otherwise??? I also dont think that if a child grows up without father is such a disaster! What if a woman is pregnant and the dad dies?? Should she abort?! I think what he offered was good and she should take it and not bother for a marriage at all- we are in 2009! She has a lovely baby, his support and she is free for more options for her future
  18. rad_mid


    I have to disagree that women have 4 c sections without complications! A c section is a major abdominal surgery, causing adhesions and scarring in your uterus as well as complications if your placenta implants at the site of the scar. You will never know how many c sections your uterus can take. The OB will asses how your uterus heals after each c section. After a c-section ,even if you plan for an elective 2nd section your uterus has a 2/1000 chance of rupture, while if you go for a VBAC, the chance is 4/1000. Nowadays, your OB, should be able to asess your scar through transvaginal ultrasound at week 38, when your lower uterine segment reaches its minimum thickness- if it is 4mm or more you have healed well and the chance of uterine rupture is 0!
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